Waters of Love
Access to clean water...
One of the most serious problems in India is access to clean drinking water and sanitation. Nearly 226 million people in the country do not have access to safe drinking water.
Nearly 1.5 million children under 5 years old die every year because of water related diseases. Out of these nearly 0.5 million children die of diarrhea alone. Most of the people in rural areas drink water directly from polluted ponds.
A bore well (hand pump) not only brings access to water, but most importantly access to clean drinking water. We get to reach an entire community and share the love of our Savior. Women walk on average 3.5 miles a day to collect water and spend around 3 hours collecting and carrying water. The average weight of water carried on their heads is 45 pounds. This adds up to many hours spent fetching water instead of attending school, working, or other meaningful activities. For only $190, a well can be placed in a village of 1,000-3,000 people and serve them for many years! The wells are monitored every 6 months -2 years and repaired with the help of the village when needed. This is a fraction of the cost of most other water ministries.
Since 2013, we have placed approximately 3,500 wells in poor villages throughout South India, impacting over 2.5 million people in this region. This project has also helped employ 50 outcast persons who otherwise would not have meaningful work. Our goal is to help 5,000 villages have clean water as soon as possible! Donate one or more bore wells in India; we will drill the bore in your name, your family name, your anniversary, or in memory of your loved ones. What a great way to leave a lasting legacy!